New Media in Foreign Language Education

Task 10: Standards in Media Competence and Computer Literacy in School

Today, it is very important to be able to work with computers and having a good knowledge about the work with the internet and its tools. Therefore, students who leave school need to have competences in using media and furthermore, in computer literacy. Computer literacy is the knowledge and the ability to use and work with computers efficiently as well as having a range of basic and advanced skills. For students it is important to gain these skills and the knowledge about media and computers at school. Because they need to be prepared for later education where they need this media competences.
Therefore, there are some basic skills which they have to know after year 5 and an extensive knowledge which they should have after year 12. One can say, that the basic skills from year 5 onwards are improved and advanced during the higher classes until they have a more or less extensive knowledge which can be learned at school. Hence, the most important steps are listed below.

<< They do not need to know how a computer looks from the inside and why is it working as it works. But they have to know how they can work with it.

What pupils should know/be able to do after year 5:
  1. How to turn on and off the computer.
  2. How to work with text processing.
  3. Using software (Microsoft Word or Open Office).
  4. How to start the browser.
  5. Using favorite home pages.
  6. How to use input devices (basic: headphones, mouse, keyboard, camera, USB stick).
  7. Copy and paste.
  8. Work with Google and YouTube.
  9. Special kids programs (computer games).
  10. How to use the DVD- CD player.
  11. How to use social networks (icq, Messenger); (If they have a computer class at school, they should already heard about privacy, virus protection and cyber bullying.)
What pupils should know/be able to do after year 12:
  1. Use Powerpoint properly.
  2. Know about copy right issues on the internet.
  3. Know where to find reusable pictures.
  4. Being able to create websites with a website editor.
  5. Know reliable and specific resources.
  6. Basic office skills.
  7. Extensive text processing skills.
  8. Being able to decide whether information/ websites are reliable.
  9. Careful handling of private information.
  10. Responsible use of social media.

For more information about media competences at school click here:
